A mind, body, spirit approach. What does that even mean anyway?
A "6,000 year old science of healing" is a broad way to begin to
cultivate the depth of it. Yoga for me is my passion, my sanity, my
serenity, my love, my sweat, and my tears. It's not about everything
being pretty, quiet, still and nice- it's about waking up to what's
real, what's true-- to what is. My mat is a
to get very comfortable with the uncomfortable, and dance in that.
Where does your mind go when strong and uncomfortable sensations build
in your body? Does it have any relation to where your mind drifts
during unpleasant times in your life? Can you meet pain, grief, and
sadness with the same grace you meet joy and love? Can you dig into
your darkness, take a step to the side, look it it the eye, and still
like the company you keep? On my mat it's right here, right now.
Building strength in my mind and physical body. Using that strength
where I need it, and surrendering to what is no longer serving me.
Warrior 2 is far much more then how strong your legs, and core are
capable to holding you, how strong are your thoughts, and where do they
drift? I breathe that into my heart; and that's when my practice really
begins. Strength and flexibility are just mere attributes, being
authentic in who you are, and lettings that flow; that's the practice
I'd like to build upon.
Who showed up my mat today? Not a new age,
or philosophical idea, but rather, anger, joy, anticipation, fear...
grasp that tightly in the palm of your mind, and then completely release
it. This moment is exactly as it should be, no need to fix or change
it. You just need to show up and get out of your own way. Inner peace,
happiness, serenity, gratitude...whatever resonates with you; it can
not be read in a book and I can not teach it to you. But rolling out
your mat, closing your eyes, and waking up... thats when the mystery and
miracles start happening.
Yoga teacher training at Kripalu |