“You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
If you have not heard of him, I suggest you check him out. His work is pretty remarkable and just another example in healing by a simple means. No water won't cure a broken wrist, a stuffy nose, or an ear infection, but it's surprising how much we are affected by how much water we consume. Our bodies a
re 60-75%
water, and it needs to be replenished daily. People are dehydrated
constantly and live day to day without even realizing it. Ever see a
plant when you haven't watered it in a while? Our body reacts in the
same way things start to become lifeless and dull. Dull hair, skin,
nails, less energy, food cravings, muscle weakness/fatigue..the list is
actually quite large. Want to lose some weight? Drink more water.