Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
What a way to waste your energy........
all get angry or annoyed, it’s a natural human reaction but how we choose to
deal with this emotion is the key. Next
time you are in a situation that you feel as though you are going vomit obscene
words to someone, stop. Take a breath. And probably a few more. Give yourself a
minute to process whatever situation you have been presented with. Notice the
changes that happen in your body during this time, your body tightens, jaw is
clenched, heart beats faster, all of these are natural reactions that your body will display. What good can
come of a situation when you feel this way?
Absolutely nothing. Emotions and
feelings if we allow them can take over our very existence. However if we take the time to acknowledge
this, and know we are not are emotions, we can make life a little easier. Once you realize and understand what’s going
on inside you, it makes the outside situations much easier to deal with. If you do this most of the time you realize
that the anger you feel will dissipate, or what you feel is stemming from a
totally different situation. You
don't want to throw old rage on a current altercation. Underneath anger, there is usually pain, we
feel hurt so we lash out. Most of
the time we don’t look back on arguments and say I’m really happy I said those
hurtful words, or I’m glad I had an all out screaming match. Where does that ever get anyone? So why not
start in the moment and be proactive rather than reactive. Kind words get you much further than
confrontational ones. Act in a way of
love, because we are all capable of that.
If you take a moment to forgive someone (even if they have not given you
a reason to) it makes it easier on you.
We are all human and we all make mistakes, but if we realize this and
don’t allow it to take over who we are, wouldn’t the world be much similar? I’m
not saying to not get angry or annoyed- because it happens and will continue to
happen through the rest of our lives.
But I am saying to look at it though a different paradigm and don’t be
so reactive to what you “feel”. Because most of the time if you just give it
some time that “feeling” will dissolve and you can handle the situation for
what it really is. And most of the time
it’s not worth the energy. We’ve been
given a certain number of years in this lifetime , and only so much energy to
use. We have no way of knowing when that
time is up- so to waste it on things that feel bad seems a bit silly , no?
Besides it’s been said “The assholes and irritating obnoxious people who make our
blood pressure rise and make us want to put our nails on a chalkboard are our
best teachers" So start taking some notes- the more you
learn, the less room for irritation from others. =)
Friday, June 22, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Lead with your heart..
(A good friend of mine was an inspiration for this next post, and the yoga pose I chose to write about =) ... Enjoy)
Lead with your heart, follow with love, and know that your world is designed by you. You choose it, the people, the places, the events (not always consciously). Whatever life brings your way, own it. Choose whatever frame you want to put around it. Because truthfully speaking thats all it is- the frame that you place around the situations given to you. But I recommend one that really brings out the beauty of the events unfolding in it. The past holds events that might mold our thoughts, but our thoughts are what is creating our future (try saying that 10 times over). The world ishuge tremendous, you deserve every part of it. Know that and lead with your heart. The world will hand it to you on a silver platter.
Yoga poses referred to as heart openers are relaxing, energizing and emotionally freeing. Heart openers target the heart center or chakra (anahata), they allow you to feel more compassion, for yourself and others.
In addition....
benefits of backbends:
- improves spinal flexibility
- stretches abdomen, and hip flexors
- strengthens the abdominal and pelvic organs
- stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands
- increases lung capacity
- alleviate stiffness from the shoulders, back and ankles
Lead with your heart, follow with love, and know that your world is designed by you. You choose it, the people, the places, the events (not always consciously). Whatever life brings your way, own it. Choose whatever frame you want to put around it. Because truthfully speaking thats all it is- the frame that you place around the situations given to you. But I recommend one that really brings out the beauty of the events unfolding in it. The past holds events that might mold our thoughts, but our thoughts are what is creating our future (try saying that 10 times over). The world is
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Camel Pose- backbend |
Yoga poses referred to as heart openers are relaxing, energizing and emotionally freeing. Heart openers target the heart center or chakra (anahata), they allow you to feel more compassion, for yourself and others.
In addition....
benefits of backbends:
- improves spinal flexibility
- stretches abdomen, and hip flexors
- strengthens the abdominal and pelvic organs
- stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands
- increases lung capacity
- alleviate stiffness from the shoulders, back and ankles
1. Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width and thighs perpendicular to the floor. Rotate your thighs inward slightly. Use padding (blanket or towel) under your knees if there is discomfort.
2. Rest your hands on the back of your pelvis, bases of the palms on the tops of the buttocks, fingers pointing down. Use your hands to spread the back pelvis and lengthen it down through your tail bone.
3. Reach your hands back one at a time to grasp your heels. (Beginners: Curl your toes under and come to the balls of your feet if you cannot reach your heels, or if your compressing your lower back when the feet are flat, or use blocks on either side of your feet.)
4. Bring your hips forward so that they are over your knees.
5. Let your head come back, opening your throat.
6. Stay in this pose anywhere from 5 to 10 breaths (never compensating your breathing). To come out, bring your hands onto the front of your pelvis, at the hip points. Inhale and lift the head and torso up by pushing the hip points down, toward the floor. If your head is back, lead with your heart to come up. Rest in Child's Pose for a few breaths.
"Back bends are rejuvenating. They give energy and courage and combat depression. They open the chest and make the spine flexible. The arms and shoulders become strong. The mind and body become alert."
B.K.S. Iyengar, "Light On Yoga"
Birds aren't the only ones who should eat seeds....
If I say the word "hemp" what do you think of first? Nope I'm not talking about marijuana either. Nowadays we hear more about hemp seeds, hemp milk, hemp protein powder, what's the hype? Actually these little seeds are quite a power house of nutrients. Hemp is high in protein containing all nine of the essential amino acids (great for vegetarians and vegans). Hemp seeds contain high amounts of fiber, they contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (which our bodies can not make), they also have vitamin E, (which can help boost immune function), magnesium, and iron. Unlike flax seed it doesn't need to be ground to eat; and they have a somewhat nutty flavor and a softer texture then sunflower seeds. They can be mixed in with nuts, or granola, used as a topping on just about anything from yogurt to oatmeal. Try them out- get creative ;-)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Longer healthier locks?
Jojoba oil is one of my favorite products of all time, it is so versatile and can take the place of many chemically processed beauty products. Jojoba oil (pronounced ha-ho-ba) is derived from the desert shrub Simmondsia
chinensis. Jojoba oil has been known to promote hair
growth, help with dandruff, as well as skin problems. It mimics the sebum our skin naturally produces, and due to its antibacterial and fungicidal properties, jojoba oil can be used for keeping the scalp healthy. If you have a dry scalp jojoba oil can help to moisturize it acting as a substitue that protects the hair follicle. Jojoba oil is also able to get rid of left over build up from hair products by naturally cleansing the
scalp. Using jojoba oil to massage your scalp can help improve blood circulation to the scalp. It is an excellent hair conditioner, which can be used to get rid of dry and frizzy unruly hair, and adds a natural glow and luster to your hair. Easy though- don't use more then a dime size for frizz or you may risk overdoing it, causing a greasy look. It's great for protecting and minimizing the damage caused by harsh chemicals and pollutants. Jojoba oil won't leave a greasy residue on your skin that other oils will, and therefore can be used as a moisturizer ( I like to mix it in with my cream). But wait there's even more.... it's a great makeup remover that leaves your skin feeling soft; and before sunless tanning you can apply it to your elbows, knees, soles of feet, heels and palms to prevent the streaky affect. Amazing- yes I would say so. You can buy it at any health food store, vitamin shop, and Trader Joe's is now selling it as well. Summer's here- what better time for glowing, soft smooth, hair and skin?
Myriad of Grains
Looking to lose a little weight? These grains help promote weight loss because of their high fiber, and nutrient content. They are a much better choice then the traditional rice or potato. These grains provide more nutrients and vitamins than refined, processed wheat, which has lost many beneficial ingredients.
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is often called the mother grain, because it provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it great for vegetarians, and vegans, not to mention great post work out meal. Quinoa however is not a true grain, but is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant. It is used as a grain and substituted for grains because of it's cooking characteristics. It is gluten free and is a good source of magnesium, folate, and phosphorus. Magnesium is good for people who suffer from migraines because it has been shown that increased intake of magnesium can help to reduce migraines. Because quinoa is cholesterol free and high in fiber it makes its great option for those looking to lose weight. The fiber in quinoa can help lower triglycerides and blood cholesterol levels, which can improve your cardiovascular health and aid in weight loss. Because of it high protein and high fiber content, it also makes it very satisfying and won't leave you feeling hungry. For vegans, people with lactose intolerance or those who are looking for non dairy sources of calcium, Quinoa is a good option. Calcium is not only used for bones and teeth, but also for muscle function, and for nerves to carry messages to brain and other body parts.
Bulgur is a staple grain in the middle east. Bulgur is a derivative of wheat, but undergoes minimal processing so it still retains its nutritional value. It's naturally low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Bulgur is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index, meaning it won't cause blood sugar to spike and can help stabilize insulin levels. Eating foods with a high glycemic index can cause your blood sugar to suddenly crash, and leave you feeling very hungry and unsatisfied even though you may have just eaten. Bulgur has a high fiber content (more then rice), which provides a faster elimination of waste, and helps keep digestive tract healthy. Insoluble fiber found in bulgur leaves you feeling satisfied and full. It is also helpful in promoting colon health, reducing the risk of colon cancer. And that's not all- bulgur is a good source of the B vitamins and folate as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Athletes essential/Tension Reliever
If you play sports, lift weights, run, sit all day, walk...or are simply a human, this stretch is crucial.
When I think of one pose that almost everyone can benefit from it has to be pigeon pose. Our hips are naturally tight, whether it be from sports, sitting at a desk or in a car hours a day, running, or just the daily stresses we face.
I'm sure if I asked any athlete if they wanted to preform at their best level the answer would be, yes. By practicing hip opening poses, it helps increase flexibility, and in turn can release tension in the back, and give your body greater range of motion. Tight hips affect other areas of our body, and can transfer to our knees and lower back, creating a situation that can result in injury. Basketball, soccer, football, weight lifting, even the simple act of walking naturally creates tighter hips. The problem doesn't necessarily reside in the sports or exercise we chose, but in the fact that we don't take the time to release and stretch these muscles. So naturally over days, months, or years our hips become tight, and stiff, and we experience pain in other areas of our body. So if your a golf player and want to improve your swing or a football player and want to increase your speed and agility, why not take 10 minutes out of your day and use this pose to your benefit.
Now for the rest of us- even if your not an athlete, you're human and we all have stress and emotional situations in our lives. Did you know that we hold a lot of emotional stress in our hips, therefor hip opening poses can help release this tension and really lighten your mood. When we have stress or difficult times in our lives its natural to push the emotions away, to be dealt with atanother time, well ignored. So yes, you guessed it, it's stored in our hips, and this is why when in pigeon pose you can experience a overwhelming does of emotions. That's not to say this pose should be avoided, but all the more reason to practice it daily. Think of how relieving it would be to just let go of all those suppressed emotions. The all too common expression " I feel like the weight has been lifted off my shoulders" is similar to what pigeon pose does for your hips.
*If you have knee injuries such as damage to the meniscus, ligaments or tendons lift the hip of the leg that is behind you slightly.
*Never push to a point of pain or where your breathing is compromised. Move slowly in and out of the pose allowing your breath to help you relax.
*Props are great- use a blanket under the hip to prevent going to far into it, or use a blanket to recline your body forward on to instead on resting your front body on the floor.
When I think of one pose that almost everyone can benefit from it has to be pigeon pose. Our hips are naturally tight, whether it be from sports, sitting at a desk or in a car hours a day, running, or just the daily stresses we face.
I'm sure if I asked any athlete if they wanted to preform at their best level the answer would be, yes. By practicing hip opening poses, it helps increase flexibility, and in turn can release tension in the back, and give your body greater range of motion. Tight hips affect other areas of our body, and can transfer to our knees and lower back, creating a situation that can result in injury. Basketball, soccer, football, weight lifting, even the simple act of walking naturally creates tighter hips. The problem doesn't necessarily reside in the sports or exercise we chose, but in the fact that we don't take the time to release and stretch these muscles. So naturally over days, months, or years our hips become tight, and stiff, and we experience pain in other areas of our body. So if your a golf player and want to improve your swing or a football player and want to increase your speed and agility, why not take 10 minutes out of your day and use this pose to your benefit.
Now for the rest of us- even if your not an athlete, you're human and we all have stress and emotional situations in our lives. Did you know that we hold a lot of emotional stress in our hips, therefor hip opening poses can help release this tension and really lighten your mood. When we have stress or difficult times in our lives its natural to push the emotions away, to be dealt with at
- From table top (all fours) bring your right knee forward between your hands so your outer right leg is resting on the mat. Position the right heel just in front of the left hip. Look back at your left leg. It should extend straight out of the hip (and not be angled off to the left). The top of the left foot should be pressed into the ground.
- If your hips are more open, inch your right foot away from you. Make sure your left hip is always pointing down toward the mat. If it begins open up toward the ceiling, draw your right foot back in toward your body.
- If your hips are tight, place a thickly folded blanket underneath the hip for support.
- Stay here with your hands resting on the on the floor by your hips or walk your hands out in front of you, allowing your torso to rest over your right knee. You can stay on your forearms if stretching completely forward is too much.
- Hold here, breathing into any areas of tightness and tension for at least five breaths.
- Then place your hands on the mat in front of you, tuck your left toes and step your right foot back to meet your left coming back into table top.
*If you have knee injuries such as damage to the meniscus, ligaments or tendons lift the hip of the leg that is behind you slightly.
*Never push to a point of pain or where your breathing is compromised. Move slowly in and out of the pose allowing your breath to help you relax.
*Props are great- use a blanket under the hip to prevent going to far into it, or use a blanket to recline your body forward on to instead on resting your front body on the floor.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Flatter stomach and better posture
Can one pose help give you washboard abs, while simultaneously changing bad habits into good one? Plank pose keeps you grounded and stabilized while engaging all the muscles in your body, especially your core. Many people have bad posture, it's just sort of become a part of us. At times you can catch yourself slouching or hunched over but majority of the time it goes unnoticed. Plank pose help build strength through your abdomen, shoulders, back, and spine. It's a recipe for a flatter tummy, better posture, and toned arms. I recommend starting at 30 second intervals and working your way up to 2 minutes (remember if your tired to take child's pose-breath, then come back into it). Although it looks simple, the problem comes with alignment and being taught the proper way to do it. Here's some guidelines to follow:
- Start on all fours lining your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. This is the set up for cat/cow stretch which will warm up your spine and enliven your body.
- From here- inhale stretching the spine forward, lifting the gaze and tail bone toward the ceiling, while simultaneously curling the toes under. Exhale as you round the back look toward your belly button and place the tops of the feet on the floor. Let the movements start from your tailbone so the neck is the last to move- kind of like a wave affect.
- Repeat these movements for 5 breaths (Did you know cat/cow stretch provides a gentle massage to your belly organs and spine, as well as helps tone your abs)
Great! Now your ready for plank
- From all fours step one leg back grounding all 5 toes into the ground, engaging the leg and lifting the knee cap. Step the other leg back doing the same thing.
- Most of us are familiar with doing push ups, and plank pose is essentially the up position when doing a push up. Don't allow your hips to sag, or your butt to be lifted in the air. You want a straight line from head to toes. If your body starts shaking that's great, it means your doing it right.
- Make sure not to hold the breath! Quick tip- push through the soles of your feet to gain more strength and firm your abdomen.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
And B-r-e-a-t-h
A yoga teacher of mine brought up a great point the other day in class, he asked- What is the difference between circus de soleil and yoga? ( The tightropes?) No, the answer is breathing. I'm not talking about the shallow, quick, unconscious breathing we do on a daily basis, but more about the meaningful deep breathing that we are capable of. Pranayama is a sanskrit word that that literally means the control of life or energy with the breath. Through different breathing techniques we are able to subtly change energies in the body to better our health. The power of breathing can be transformative. Deep conscious breathing allows you to relax, it tells your central nervous system to relax, which in turn affects your physical and mental awareness. During yoga classes you constantly hear, "make sure to breath, bring your awareness to your breath, or the occasional, I don't hear anyone breathing". Sometimes its easy to overlook just how important it is. The power of deep conscious breathing allows you to energize and heat your body from the inside. It calms the mind and creates a sense of awareness with your body you might not have had before. Using your breath throughout an asana practice allows you to move through the poses with more ease, as well as helps you to move deeper into a pose. If you're ever in a pose where your breathing is compromised- you've gone too far. The same thing goes for off the mat, in situations that overwhelm you or cause anxiety, taking a mental break to focus on your breathing can have a tremendous effect. This is most definitely not the first time this has been said, but if you have ever tried it, you realize, wow this really does work. There is a saying in yoga; "when you can control your breath, you can control everything."
It's not always easy to calm and clear the mind so here are a few tips that I find helpful.
It's not always easy to calm and clear the mind so here are a few tips that I find helpful.
- Focus on the cool air at the tip of your nose as you inhale and the heated breath as you exhale. Follow the breath from the tip of your nose, to your lungs to other areas of your body.
- Use the breath to focus on areas that you hold a lot of tension in, and send the breath there.
- If quieting the mind is still a challenge (which I find from time to time), bring a word to the breath such as "let" on the inhale, "go" on the exhale. One of my favorite yoga teacher taught that and I find it very helpful to set a busy mind at ease.
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Hiking in Utah- Moab |
The great Paramahansa Yogananda compared breathing and restless thoughts to storms. "We can't find serenity — that no stress state — until we calm those storms through deep breathing and meditation."
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
How can you conquer today with yesterdays muddled mind?
Shoulder Stand
Shoulder stand is referred to as the
queen of all yoga poses because of the benefits it provides to the body as whole. In Sanskrit, its know as Sarvangasana, Sarva means the whole and Anga means the body. It's important to shift the flow of blood and energy in the body, and the law of gravity naturally pulls everything down, but when in shoulder stand it's reversed and blood flows away from your feet and lower extremities. This pose can be very calming and soothing and has many benefits:
- Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs
- Stretches the shoulders and neck
- Tones the legs and buttocks
- Improves digestion
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia
- Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
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