
Friday, July 13, 2012

Foods for weight loss.

We have all heard of the grapefruit diet, and Acai juice and their claims to make us skinnier, however we have all come to realize these claims aren't entirely true.  I say entirely because adding foods like these (Acai, and grapefruit to the diet can in fact help you lose some weight, only when done the right way of course.)  The following food choices will not inadvertently make you thinner, however swapping out less healthy choices with a food on the following list WILL help you slim down, plus give you the added health perks that come with them.

1. Oats:  I've said this before and I'll say it again, oatmeal is a great way to start your day.  It's packed with fiber that helps slow digestion and keep you feeling full for longer, and avoids your blood sugar from spiking.  It helps slow down digestion AND can help lower your LDL cholesterol.

2.  Lentils: Low in calories, fat, and cholesterol... high in fiber, protein, iron and B vitamins, these little legumes are an excellent food choice.  Because of their high fiber content, it helps to stabilize blood sugar and provide slow burning energy (complex carbs) to the body.   They are beneficial to anyone with diabetes or high cholesterol. Add them to pasta or soups, or make a salad.  They blend in with almost anything, making them very versatile.

3. Goji Berries: These little berries are pack with nutrients.  They are typically found in China, India and Europe, but have made their way over to the states.  They have been around for thousands of years used for their medicinal properties. Goji berries are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (The glycemic index is a number scale that is used to determine how fast your body will convert the food you eat into glucose.  Even if you don't have diabetes you should still choose foods with a low GI because it will minimize your urge to consume more calories throughout the day.)  They are great for boosting immunity because of their high vitamin C content, as well as contains 18 amino acids (including the 8 essential).  Try mixing them in cereal, or oatmeal.  You can add them to nuts for a snack, or with yogurt.
Beware: Lookout for some Goji Berry juices, as they can be loaded with added sugar. 

4.  Wild Salmon: Full of Omega-3 fatty acids, that not only help in heart health but also in shrinking your waist line.   Omega-3 help improve insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help to decrease belly fat.    Salmon is also packed with protein, and vitamin D, which a  lot of people seem to be lacking.  
Beware: Make sure the salmon is wild, they contain less contaminants (heavy metals and lead). 

5. Quinoa or Buckwheat pasta: Swapping out traditional pasta from time to time can be beneficial to your waist.  They are higher in protein, and fiber than most pastas, which will leave you feeling fuller for longer.  Toss them with some sautéed vegetables, olive oil, and some feta or goat cheese.

6.  Avocado:  Yes avocado is full of fat, however it's the good fat.  Don't be fooled into thinking because of their high fat content, they can't possible be good for weight loss, because they are.  Avocado is high in monounsaturated fat, and research shows that diets high in monounsaturated fat are beneficial for weight control.  Monounsaturated fat shows a beneficial effects on how your body uses blood sugar.  They also help lower cholesterol, are great for heart health, and anti inflammatory properties, and are packed with vitamin E.  Just make sure sure to watch your portions, no more than 1/2 an avocado. 

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