Today, tomorrow and everyday! Practice being thankful for everything you have been given. Paying attention to the beauty before you and not what's missing is the brush stroke to the artwork of your life. Live and love immensely.
May there always be peace and compassion in your heart, mind and eyes.
Namaste ♥
Deanna Rae
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Healing properties of Ginger... and I'm not talking ginger ale
For over 2 thousand years Chinese medicine has recommended the use of ginger to help cure and prevent a myriad health problems.
Cold and Flu relief- Ginger has antiviral and antimircobial properties that can help prevent or cut the duration of the stuffy nose, sore throat, aches and pains. Add it into tea or hot water with lemon.
Cancer prevention- Gingers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can help fight against free radicals and slow or prevent tumor growth.
Motion Sickness- Not just for pregnant mommies to be... chewing on some ginger can help relieve that woozy feeling we come across now and then. Have some dired ginger or drizzle a little honey on ginger and enjoy!
Hangover got you down? Ginger might help as well. Mix with some calming tea, lemon and honey and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Ginger is also great for stimulating digestion, and soothing pain. Ayurveda associates ginger with its aphrodisiac properties as well.... (you and your honey can try some ginger for dessert with your ice cream)
So whatever your reason, try adding some ginger into your diet this week.
~You can add it to fresh juices, or tea.
~Add fresh grated ginger to soups for a nice spicy zest.
~Goes wonderful with fish, top it on a salad or blend it into a smoothie.
Namaste! ♥
Cold and Flu relief- Ginger has antiviral and antimircobial properties that can help prevent or cut the duration of the stuffy nose, sore throat, aches and pains. Add it into tea or hot water with lemon.
Cancer prevention- Gingers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can help fight against free radicals and slow or prevent tumor growth.
Motion Sickness- Not just for pregnant mommies to be... chewing on some ginger can help relieve that woozy feeling we come across now and then. Have some dired ginger or drizzle a little honey on ginger and enjoy!
Hangover got you down? Ginger might help as well. Mix with some calming tea, lemon and honey and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Ginger is also great for stimulating digestion, and soothing pain. Ayurveda associates ginger with its aphrodisiac properties as well.... (you and your honey can try some ginger for dessert with your ice cream)
So whatever your reason, try adding some ginger into your diet this week.
~You can add it to fresh juices, or tea.
~Add fresh grated ginger to soups for a nice spicy zest.
~Goes wonderful with fish, top it on a salad or blend it into a smoothie.
Namaste! ♥
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
I eat SO healthy but I can't seem to lose weight....
This seems to be the mantra of society today... well whats healthy is my question? A few things I'd like to point out.
1. How much are you eating?
-This one is not our fault, we've been fooled by restaurants, fast food chains, and supermarkets into thinking these giant portions are ideal. Portion control is huge issue when trying to shed some extra pounds. It doesn't matter how "healthy", if your over eating your body needs to store it somewhere. Unless it's a bag of lettuce (which isn't what I suppose most people are crunching on) then the calories do add up. Are you eating what the restaurants consider a "normal" portion? Choose smaller plates while dining at home that way your eyes aren't being deceived. And fill up that bad boy with a colorful selection of goodies.... which leads me to my next point..
2. What is on your plate?
- I always recommend that half the plate be covered in veggies (especially greens) then add in some whole grains and protein. What does that look like? How about a plate of sautéed broccoli, spinach, butternut squash and onion, with some wild black rice, quinoa and white cannellini beans or chicken. If your breakfast consists of cereal or toast and your lunch consists of pasta and your dinner has a huge serving of rice, you may not be eating as healthy as you think (yes even if it's all whole wheat.) If it's colorful and its a veggie you can't go wrong. My advice is find the ones you like most and cook them the way you like. Are you a sweets person? Then go for sweet vegetables, squashes, onions (when cooked), sweet potato... open your mouth and your taste buds to a world they have never been.
3. How often are you eating?
- Eat 3 meals with snack in between, well thats been hammered into our brains by now. However thats not necessarily the case for everyone, snacks are a great way of adding an extra 250-500 calories to your daily intake (depending on the snack of course). 100 calories pack, fiber one, protein bars.... my advice stay away, there loaded with chemicals and artificial flavorings that your body doesn't need. You want fiber, or close to under 100 calories?
Choose snacks such as raw vegetables and hummus, almonds and an apple, peanut butter and a piece of fruit, kale chips, baby carrots. There chock full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients these money hungry companies can't conjure up in their labs.
P.S I didn't mention it above, but to see any budge in the scale you need to add an exercise to you daily routine. Find a way to sweat that you enjoy, and make it just as important as consuming greens in your diet. Aim for at least 3 days a week, even if you can only squeeze in 30 minutes.. it all adds up!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Food Energetics
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"― Hippocrates
Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine. Sometime after 460 B.C Hippocrates collected data and conducted experiments to show that disease was a natural process. The signs and symptoms of a disease were caused by the natural reactions of the body to the disease, and that the chief role of the physician was to aid the natural resistance of the body to overcome the imbalance and restore health.
Approximately 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates was setting up a hospital on an island in Greece, and his only criteria for it was that it be built behind a stream where watercress grew. In fact he demanded it. The funny thing is back then, Hippocrates didn't know that watercress was loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, and a high water content, or all the other things we know today. He did however understand this plant in a different way. He saw the fact that this plant grew in the water, which led him to believe the plant had a high water content ( ding ding ), he also believed that if the plant had a high water content it would in fact help assist in water balance in the body (ding ding). Having an abundance of watercress right outside the hospital would assure that his patients could fight infections and cleanse the body, especially the urinary tract and the kidneys, as well as other problems in those areas of the body. Watercress would play an instrumental role in the bodys defense as well as healing.
I wonder how many people eat watercress today? Sadly I know a the simple answer to that. I don't believe it's because no on wants to, but because we have grown up in a society where that's not something you see much of. If people started to incorporate vegetables especially dark leafy greens, maybe health issues wouldn't be sky rocketing. Or maybe it's that we put too much emphasis on our health care system. You know- "we have a pill for that." Put down the butter once in a while, reduce some red meat, get rid of processed cheese, add in leafy greens and maybe Lipitor can be taken out of your daily routine. Pills aren't the only answer and maybe the miraculous array of fruits and vegetables were put on this earth for a reason. And it's not a hippie, tree hugging thought, but actually a sheer fact that maybe, just maybe we have been given everything we need.
I wonder what Hippocrates would think of where our health care system has gone? He started something incredible, and through technology we have made it exceptional. But maybe we've taken it a little too far?
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Be a part of a beautiful change. Start of something new and different. ♥ We are ONE <3
Monday, December 10, 2012
Another wonderful recipe with the supergrain!
Quinoa Salad
1 yellow, and orange pepper
Red onion
Goat cheese
Olive oil
Red wine vinegar
Sea salt
Cayenne pepper
Prepare quinoa in a medium pot, 1 cup of quinoa to two cups of water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. While that's cooking finely chop up the rest of the ingredients and combine in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and drizzle with red wine vinegar (you can add as much or litte as you like depending on taste) Let quinoa cool than combine the quinoa with the rest of the ingredients. Sprinkle with sea salt, cayenne pepper and goat cheese. Refrigerate for an hour, then serve cold. Delicious!!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
At home remedy for the common cold..
It's here, the season of sickness (that sounds a bit morbid). However this time of year germs are hanging out on every door knob, hand shake, gas pump, and really just about everything else you can thi
nk of. Don't fret. Quick and easy remedy to help treat and prevent the common cold if you should feel one coming on.
1 tablespoon of honey (raw, local organic is best)
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
Take twice a day.
You can also mix it in with your favorite tea, or what I like best hot water and lemon. Cinnamon and honey are antiviral, antibacterial, and anti fungal. Cinnamon is also used as a to help with digestive ailments, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, as well as it's anti inflammatory properties.
1 tablespoon of honey (raw, local organic is best)
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
Take twice a day.
You can also mix it in with your favorite tea, or what I like best hot water and lemon. Cinnamon and honey are antiviral, antibacterial, and anti fungal. Cinnamon is also used as a to help with digestive ailments, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, as well as it's anti inflammatory properties.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
What's feeding you?
It's important to create a balance in your life between your relationships, career, physical activity, things that make you happy, and doing things that scare you. Now more then ever we need to start taking care of our bodies and the best way to start is to find something that you enjoy doing that's good for you. I find this pyramid very resourceful, and a great approach to getting ahold of your health( and happiness... because what's good health without being happy!?!?) :)))
There's a plus and minus to everything...
I think that the USDA's My Plate is definitely a huge step in the right direction however I still find it a bit misleading and as well as lacking in a few areas. Like the food guides of the past it still has many shortcomings. Why does dairy continue to be an essential part of the meal, when the evidence showing the risks of dairy consumption outweighing the benefits continues to grow? If we know refined grains
are linked to chronic diseases like obesity, and we know that Americans consume too many refined grains, shouldn’t the recommendation be for all grains to be whole? And what about the foods we should eat less of like meat, sugar, artificial junk food, alcohol and caffeine? It makes no mention of these common American staples.The problem with the government and nutrition advice is that it comes with two opposing interests: 1 to promote the nation’s health, and 2 to promote and market agricultural products. You can't have both sides happy- unless of course these big franchise companies are willing to revamp their ingredients.
There's a plus and minus to everything...
I think that the USDA's My Plate is definitely a huge step in the right direction however I still find it a bit misleading and as well as lacking in a few areas. Like the food guides of the past it still has many shortcomings. Why does dairy continue to be an essential part of the meal, when the evidence showing the risks of dairy consumption outweighing the benefits continues to grow? If we know refined grains
are linked to chronic diseases like obesity, and we know that Americans consume too many refined grains, shouldn’t the recommendation be for all grains to be whole? And what about the foods we should eat less of like meat, sugar, artificial junk food, alcohol and caffeine? It makes no mention of these common American staples.The problem with the government and nutrition advice is that it comes with two opposing interests: 1 to promote the nation’s health, and 2 to promote and market agricultural products. You can't have both sides happy- unless of course these big franchise companies are willing to revamp their ingredients.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Live the life you love
The truth is you spend more of your life working then you do much of anything else, and yes you should love what you do. But it's not what you do, it's who you are, and how you're being.
Spend your time doing the things you love- the things that lift you higher. My uncle said it best "Figure out what you love to do, then find a way to make money doing it"
Spend your time doing the things you love- the things that lift you higher. My uncle said it best "Figure out what you love to do, then find a way to make money doing it"
Friday, November 30, 2012
It's not just what you eat; you are what you drink.
“You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
If you have not heard of him, I suggest you check him out. His work is pretty remarkable and just another example in healing by a simple means. No water won't cure a broken wrist, a stuffy nose, or an ear infection, but it's surprising how much we are affected by how much water we consume. Our bodies a
re 60-75%
water, and it needs to be replenished daily. People are dehydrated
constantly and live day to day without even realizing it. Ever see a
plant when you haven't watered it in a while? Our body reacts in the
same way things start to become lifeless and dull. Dull hair, skin,
nails, less energy, food cravings, muscle weakness/fatigue..the list is
actually quite large. Want to lose some weight? Drink more water.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Butternut Squash Soup
Soup can be so delicious, comforting, colorful, flavorful and still be healthy too!!
1 (2 to 3 pound) butternut squash, peeled and seeded and cut into cubes
1 carrot peeled and chopped
1 green apple chopped
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cups of organic vegetable or chicken broth
Nutmeg, sea salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, chives, brown sugar and freshly ground black pepper
Cut squash into about 1-inch chunks.
In large pot melt butter. Add onion and carrots and cook about 8 minutes (until softened)
Add squash, apple and stock. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer and cook until squash is tender, about 30-35 minutes.
Transfer the contents into a blender or food processor and puree. Return blended squash to pot.
Stir and season with nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, and pepper.
Garnish with chives and sprinkle with some brown sugar
Serve, and ENJOY !
1 carrot peeled and chopped
1 green apple chopped
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cups of organic vegetable or chicken broth
Nutmeg, sea salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, chives, brown sugar and freshly ground black pepper
Cut squash into about 1-inch chunks.
In large pot melt butter. Add onion and carrots and cook about 8 minutes (until softened)
Add squash, apple and stock. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer and cook until squash is tender, about 30-35 minutes.
Transfer the contents into a blender or food processor and puree. Return blended squash to pot.
Stir and season with nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, and pepper.
Garnish with chives and sprinkle with some brown sugar
Serve, and ENJOY !
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Yoga... just do it
body. It is a single structure that exists from head to toe. You can think of fascia like a spider's web or sweater covering the entire internal body.
In its natural state, fascia is elastic, pliable, and relaxed. However, fascia often becomes constricted from traumas, accidents, repetitive motion, muscular weakness, or poor posture. When you chronically stress the fascia, through repetitive movement and heavy exercise (weight lifting, running, boxing, CrossFit anyone? ) it can thicken in order to protect the underlying muscles. All of these are fantastic but you need to loosen and stretch as well. By combining these exercises with yoga it can create a dynamic, powerful workout for your body.
Yoga can help stretch and help alleviate tightness in the muscles and the fascia. Fascia tissue responds more slowly to stretches than do muscles, which is why a yoga class can help to get deep into the fascia. By stretching the fascia you help increase your body's mobility and flexibility. Which in turn decreases room for injury and increase the potential you have in your work outs. If you love your workouts and you love your body, wouldn't you want to increase your potential for an even better work out?
In its natural state, fascia is elastic, pliable, and relaxed. However, fascia often becomes constricted from traumas, accidents, repetitive motion, muscular weakness, or poor posture. When you chronically stress the fascia, through repetitive movement and heavy exercise (weight lifting, running, boxing, CrossFit anyone? ) it can thicken in order to protect the underlying muscles. All of these are fantastic but you need to loosen and stretch as well. By combining these exercises with yoga it can create a dynamic, powerful workout for your body.
Yoga can help stretch and help alleviate tightness in the muscles and the fascia. Fascia tissue responds more slowly to stretches than do muscles, which is why a yoga class can help to get deep into the fascia. By stretching the fascia you help increase your body's mobility and flexibility. Which in turn decreases room for injury and increase the potential you have in your work outs. If you love your workouts and you love your body, wouldn't you want to increase your potential for an even better work out?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
"Whenever you see the words suger free or fat free.... think of replacing it with chemical shit storm"
Your better off eating the sugar and fat, just choosing the right fat.
Fat is what leaves us feeling satisfied and full, with out it...
it'll be binge for whatever we can get our hands on. Stay away from
100 calorie packs and boxed snacks that offer "fat free" and "sugar
free" they are loaded with additives and artificial flavoring to make up
for it. In the end... you will crave more of it and end up gaining the
weight you set out to lose. The body can't process all this junk even
if its labeled as "healthy", hmmm such as fiber one bars. The amount of
fiber you get in one bar is not worth all the other processed "stuff"
that comes along with it. Read the ingredient list and tell me what
about it sounds healthy and what maybe your body can do with out. Think
fruits and veggies and add flavor to them so you enjoy them more. Plenty
of options!! Your body will thank you, and your relationship with the
scale will change !!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Small simple changes make a big impact.
are so quick to "diet" and cut things out that we love, but the reality
is we end up back where we started. Sometimes even worse off, as we kick
ourselves further into the ground with defeating vo
in our head saying "I can't do this, this sucks, I'm not good enough,
oh well". I believe instead it's tiny adjustments day by day. As you
begin to climb the ladder, things you thought, oh no way I'll never eat
kale, or brussel sprouts, or green juices start to become a little more
feasible. Its not so much taking stuff out of our diets, but adding
things in. If we add in the healthy alternatives (that we actually
enjoy) it's the simple act of crowding out the "bad" stuff.
If there's one good thing you do for your body today and everyday- drink more water. As cliche and repetitive it might sound, most of us do not drink nearly enough. Did you know that maintaining hydration can prevent premature aging, eliminate pain and headaches, lessen hypertension, and promote weight loss? If you don't like the taste of water add your favorite fruits to it. One slice of lemon in water goes a long way...
Boosts the Immune system
High in vitamin C
Breaks down fatty deposits
Clears the skin
Aids in eliminating waste
Relieves bloating
Acts as a liver tonic and helps liver to produce bile
Drink up baby!
If there's one good thing you do for your body today and everyday- drink more water. As cliche and repetitive it might sound, most of us do not drink nearly enough. Did you know that maintaining hydration can prevent premature aging, eliminate pain and headaches, lessen hypertension, and promote weight loss? If you don't like the taste of water add your favorite fruits to it. One slice of lemon in water goes a long way...
Boosts the Immune system
High in vitamin C
Breaks down fatty deposits
Clears the skin
Aids in eliminating waste
Relieves bloating
Acts as a liver tonic and helps liver to produce bile
Drink up baby!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Still not sure about asparagus... a few reasons to try it plus a delicious, quick and easy recipe!
1. Packed with antioxidants- ranking among the top fruits and veggies to fight off free radicles
2. Natural diuretic- detoxes and cleanses t
he body, helping to release not only excess fluid in the body but excess salts (esp helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure, or other heart related diseases).... your bladder and kidneys will thank you for this
3. Good source of fiber, folate, Vit A and C
4 Anti- aging properties
5. Can help balance insulin levels- great for preventing diabetes
5. Asparagus is also a powerful aphrodisiac and one of the best foods to increase libido ;)
6 Highly alkaline food- the human body maintains a delicate pH- consuming large amount of acidic foods foods can cause the body to become overly acidic, resulting in a number of health complications. To maintain a healthy balance it's important to consume alkaline rich foods.
7 Helps prevent bladder and UTI's- so if your prone to them, it's not too late to add asparagus into your diet!
Grilled asparagus
1 pound of fresh asparagus spears- white ends trimmed
3 tablespoons on olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 a lemon
Preheat grill for high heat.
Lightly coat the asparagus spears with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Grill about 8 minutes making sure to turn the spears allowing them to brown on all sides.
Grill over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or to desired tenderness.
Squeeze lemon over them
3. Good source of fiber, folate, Vit A and C
4 Anti- aging properties
5. Can help balance insulin levels- great for preventing diabetes
5. Asparagus is also a powerful aphrodisiac and one of the best foods to increase libido ;)
6 Highly alkaline food- the human body maintains a delicate pH- consuming large amount of acidic foods foods can cause the body to become overly acidic, resulting in a number of health complications. To maintain a healthy balance it's important to consume alkaline rich foods.
7 Helps prevent bladder and UTI's- so if your prone to them, it's not too late to add asparagus into your diet!
Grilled asparagus
1 pound of fresh asparagus spears- white ends trimmed
3 tablespoons on olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 a lemon
Preheat grill for high heat.
Lightly coat the asparagus spears with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Grill about 8 minutes making sure to turn the spears allowing them to brown on all sides.
Grill over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or to desired tenderness.
Squeeze lemon over them
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The DREADED Trans Fat.. what consumers are being blindfolded to...
Trans Fats have a bad rap, and most Americans have been told to stay far away, avoiding them like a plague. So if they are as harmful as researchers say they are, then WHY on earth is it still in products? And even worse, why is it HIDDEN. Yes, hidden. If you think your being told the truth with the "0 grans of trans fat" label... think again.
The FDA allows food labels with anything with less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving to say "0 grams of trans fat" hint hint... PER SERVING. So in fact the serving of those 3 chocolate chip cookies, or ritz crackers you eat may have "0" grams of trans fat, but anything over that, and well you can bet you're eating more then 0 grams. And you think, well what is the big deal a little bit won't kill me. Maybe a little isn't going to kill you, however you can bet a little here and there can quickly add up. Do that for oh lets say 30 years and well folks lets just say you might have a few minor problems start emerging.
How do you know whether food contains trans fat? Look for the words "partially hydrogenated" oil. That's another term for trans fat. By hydrogenating a natural oil it removes the natural fatty acids (omega 3), by removing these, it helps to extend the shelf life. Natural fatty acids go rancid much faster then hydrogenated chemically altered oils. Longer shelf life= higher profit. Trans fats can interact with normal fat metabolism, they can disturb function and in other words be referred to as a poison. Trans fat can lower your HDL (good cholesterol) and raise your LDL (bad cholesterol), wrecking havoc on your body, crating a deadly combination.
So people wonder and say, I eat low fat this and that, and stay away from red meats only eating them occasionally.. why is my cholesterol not better? Look in your cabinets and if it's filled with boxes of commercially packaged goods theres a inkling as to why your blood work #'s aren't what you would like them to be.
Commercial food companies are more concerned with the shelf life of their products, not with your shelf life...
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
There's a drug for that....
We spend about 3 trillion dollars on medical expense here in America...therefore the rest of the world should envy our health over here, right? (Fill in a game show Buzzer sound when you get an answer wrong here). Why is it that for a country that spends so much money on health care, we have so many health issues. The more problems we have, the more pills there are. You name it, there's a pill for it. Broken heart? They have a pill for that... no not really, but who knows maybe one day. We want it to happen quick, and now, without having to do much work, and that's why the drug market here in America is sky rocketing. I wonder what would happen if some of that money went to supporting ways to prevent illness's rather than just fixing them. Educating the people on healthy eating and a healthy life style seems like beating a dead horse, but in reality how far have we gone to promoting a healthier lifestyle. I don't mean a few commercials here and there on T.V, there needs to be more. There are so many clashing ideas out there today; milk is good for you, milk causes cancer, egg yolks are ok to eat, no they contribute to high cholesterol, this diet and that diet. It's no wonder people are confused to say the least! So the answer of course is, quick fix- I have the perfect medicine for you. (Oh and the side effects are only explosive diarrhea, blindness, and death) Now I know I'm being over the top here, but how many times do you read the side effects and question whether it's worth even taking it in the first place. My intention is not to bash the medical system, there have been drastic improvements in peoples health due to the advances we have had. However, I believe that we are taking it too far. The answers lie more then in just the capsule form. Obesity, diabetes, CHD, high blood pressure, how many American on are medications for these? Sure some people can't survive without them and they have been life saving. BUT what if we worked on preventing these ailments all together? It's not a radical idea. Its the hope of the future. It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other- it's a delicate balance between the two. Not one thing works for everyone, but what I can tell you is that what we have going on here in America doesn't seem to adequately be doing the job. In 1980 50% of American were overweight, now its 65% and what about 10 years from now? It's so sad and breaks my heart to see children overweight with illnesses that were once only seen in adults. I hope that one day I can really help make a difference in peoples lives through a natural holistic healing lifestyle. It's not a cure all by any means, but it's an idea to adopt (one that has many proven benefits). I am so passionate and believe so much in this; we have been given the tools and knowledge we need to live a healthy life, it's just up to us to see it and utilize it. Not all the answers are behind the pharmacy counter.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Heart Openers- Keep the love flowing
Chest openers, also called heart openers really help to bring vitality, and a sense of calmness to your mind and body. Heart openers offer health benefits on many different levels.
~It helps to tone th
~It helps to tone th
e spine
~Increase breathing capacity of the lungs
~Stimulates the thyroid
~Increases blood circulation
~Stimulates abdominal organs- helps aid in digestion
~Tones buttox
~ Stretches abdomen
~Relieves stress
~In yoga philosophy, the body has many energy centers, or wheels, called chakras. The heart chakra is known as the Anahata chakra. By opening the chest, it symbolizes the opening of the heart, increasing compassion for yourself and others. As well as growing connection to others and decreasing feelings of isolation and depression.
Chest Opening Postures:
Upward Facing dog
King dancer
.....just to name a few
Open your heart to more love for yourself, and others ♥
~Increase breathing capacity of the lungs
~Stimulates the thyroid
~Increases blood circulation
~Stimulates abdominal organs- helps aid in digestion
~Tones buttox
~ Stretches abdomen
~Relieves stress
~In yoga philosophy, the body has many energy centers, or wheels, called chakras. The heart chakra is known as the Anahata chakra. By opening the chest, it symbolizes the opening of the heart, increasing compassion for yourself and others. As well as growing connection to others and decreasing feelings of isolation and depression.
Chest Opening Postures:
Upward Facing dog
King dancer
.....just to name a few
Open your heart to more love for yourself, and others ♥
Monday, September 3, 2012
Healthy Radiant Skin
Did you know the most nourishing and versatile skin care products can be found right in your own kitchen. If you haven't tried it yet, you might want to adopt the idea from the ancient holistic system of Ayurveda. Sesa
me oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine dating back to about 5,000 years ago. Your skin is your largest organ, and so it's no wonder the beauty industry makes well over 50 billion a year. Our skin absorbs whatever is put on it, and eventually ends up in our bloodstream. It's been shown that significant amounts of cosmetic ingredients, including carcinogenic substances, penetrate the skin and end up in our blood stream. You can't avoid everything and I'm not saying get rid of all your skin care products, but incorporating sesame oil into your routine has quite the number of benefits.
~Can attract and trap toxins that are soluble in oil. This detoxification of the skin can be done by applying warm oil to the skin, leave it on for around 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
~Can be used on the face, it cleanses the skin gently by dissolving oils, it can help eliminate blackheads by pulling toxins from the skin.
~Helps joints keep their flexibility. Can be used on stiff joints.
~Hydrates, nourishes, and moisturizes the skin.
~It has tranquilizing and soothing properties, is beneficial for people suffering from insomnia.
~Contains antioxidants that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps you maintain youthful skin.
~Helps aid in the treatment of skin related disorders like psoriasis and eczema.
~Can be used on the scalp if you have dandruff or dry skin
~Used to soothe skin and reduce inflammation that can occur from the sun damage.
~Antibacterial and anti fungal properties
~Provides a natural radiant glow to the skin
It can't hurt to give this wonderful oil a shot. If you choose to try it out, make sure to go with an unrefined cold pressed sesame oil.
~Can attract and trap toxins that are soluble in oil. This detoxification of the skin can be done by applying warm oil to the skin, leave it on for around 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
~Can be used on the face, it cleanses the skin gently by dissolving oils, it can help eliminate blackheads by pulling toxins from the skin.
~Helps joints keep their flexibility. Can be used on stiff joints.
~Hydrates, nourishes, and moisturizes the skin.
~It has tranquilizing and soothing properties, is beneficial for people suffering from insomnia.
~Contains antioxidants that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps you maintain youthful skin.
~Helps aid in the treatment of skin related disorders like psoriasis and eczema.
~Can be used on the scalp if you have dandruff or dry skin
~Used to soothe skin and reduce inflammation that can occur from the sun damage.
~Antibacterial and anti fungal properties
~Provides a natural radiant glow to the skin
It can't hurt to give this wonderful oil a shot. If you choose to try it out, make sure to go with an unrefined cold pressed sesame oil.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Only Breath
Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Yoga- an inquiry
A mind, body, spirit approach. What does that even mean anyway?
A "6,000 year old science of healing" is a broad way to begin to cultivate the depth of it. Yoga for me is my passion, my sanity, my serenity, my love, my sweat, and my tears. It's not about everything being pretty, quiet, still and nice- it's about waking up to what's real, what's true-- to what is. My mat is a
to get very comfortable with the uncomfortable, and dance in that.
Where does your mind go when strong and uncomfortable sensations build
in your body? Does it have any relation to where your mind drifts
during unpleasant times in your life? Can you meet pain, grief, and
sadness with the same grace you meet joy and love? Can you dig into
your darkness, take a step to the side, look it it the eye, and still
like the company you keep? On my mat it's right here, right now.
Building strength in my mind and physical body. Using that strength
where I need it, and surrendering to what is no longer serving me.
Warrior 2 is far much more then how strong your legs, and core are
capable to holding you, how strong are your thoughts, and where do they
drift? I breathe that into my heart; and that's when my practice really
begins. Strength and flexibility are just mere attributes, being
authentic in who you are, and lettings that flow; that's the practice
I'd like to build upon.
Who showed up my mat today? Not a new age, or philosophical idea, but rather, anger, joy, anticipation, fear... grasp that tightly in the palm of your mind, and then completely release it. This moment is exactly as it should be, no need to fix or change it. You just need to show up and get out of your own way. Inner peace, happiness, serenity, gratitude...whatever resonates with you; it can not be read in a book and I can not teach it to you. But rolling out your mat, closing your eyes, and waking up... thats when the mystery and miracles start happening.
Who showed up my mat today? Not a new age, or philosophical idea, but rather, anger, joy, anticipation, fear... grasp that tightly in the palm of your mind, and then completely release it. This moment is exactly as it should be, no need to fix or change it. You just need to show up and get out of your own way. Inner peace, happiness, serenity, gratitude...whatever resonates with you; it can not be read in a book and I can not teach it to you. But rolling out your mat, closing your eyes, and waking up... thats when the mystery and miracles start happening.
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Yoga teacher training at Kripalu |
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Ch Ch Ch Chia
No, no, not the sprouted potted pet... the seeds. Chia is the Mayan word for strength, and thats what these powerful little seeds promote.
Chris McDougall published a novel called Born to Run, where he talked about how Chia seeds were a major source of energy for Mayans, Incas, and other ancient cultures. Chia seeds are known as the "running food" because they are said to help sustain endurance levels, making them great for pre-workouts. They seemed to know about the remarkable benefits of these seeds, that only recently started to become popular here. I've read that one tablespoon was believed to sustain an individual for 24 hours. In McDougall's book he wrote,
"Chia was once so treasured, the Aztecs used to deliver it to their kin in homage. Aztec runners used to chomp chia seeds as they went into battle, and the Hopis fueled themselves on chia during their epic runs from Arizona to the Pacific Ocean."
They resemble the look of poppy seeds and don't have much of a flavor making them great in just about anything (salads, sandwiches, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies etc.) When you add them to water or liquid they become a gel like texture (kind of like what happens to soluble fiber in your stomach thus slowing digestion). They are high in fiber, protein and omega-3, 6, and 9. 1 tablespoon has 3 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of omega-3. Chia seeds also contain potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and maganese. It's hard to think of a reason not to incorporate these powerful seeds into your diet.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
"One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive; the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."
Choose organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. This especially goes for fruits and vegetables that don't have a protective skin on them. But unfortunately like everything else, organic comes at a certain price. New research shows that it's more important to buy certain foods organically than it is others. Here's a list just to name a few...
- Milk- Antibiotics and hormones are used to increase profits. Organic dairies cannot feed their cows with grains grown with pesticides, nor can they use antibiotics or growth hormones.
- Meat- Raising animals using hormones to speed up growth, antibiotics to resist disease and pesticides to grow the grain fed to the animals helps to increase supply (thus increase profit). Unfortunately whatever the animals ingest, you do too. To meet USDA standards, organic meat can come only from animals fed organic feed and given no hormones or antibiotics.
- Coffee- Many of the beans are grown in countries that don't regulate use of chemicals and pesticides. Look for the Fair Trade Certified Organic label on the coffee package or can.
- Peaches
- Apples- No matter how hard or how much you scrub, you won't eliminate all the chemical residue that can be found on the apple skin. Remove the skin? Then you lose a lot of nutrients and fiber.
- Celery Celery has no protective skin, so it’s almost impossible to wash off the chemicals.
- Strawberries
- Lettuce- frequently contaminated with what are considered the most potent pesticides
- Grapes
- Tomatoes- Chemicals can easily penetrate the skin.
- Corn- A lot of corn today is being genetically modified to keep up with supply and demand and to keep costs down. Genetically modified means the genes and DNA have been altered, you think that won't affect what happens inside your body?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Foods for weight loss.
We have all heard of the grapefruit diet, and Acai juice and their claims to make us skinnier, however we have all come to realize these claims aren't entirely true. I say entirely because adding foods like these (Acai, and grapefruit to the diet can in fact help you lose some weight, only when done the right way of course.) The following food choices will not inadvertently make you thinner, however swapping out less healthy choices with a food on the following list WILL help you slim down, plus give you the added health perks that come with them.
1. Oats: I've said this before and I'll say it again, oatmeal is a great way to start your day. It's packed with fiber that helps slow digestion and keep you feeling full for longer, and avoids your blood sugar from spiking. It helps slow down digestion AND can help lower your LDL cholesterol.
2. Lentils: Low in calories, fat, and cholesterol... high in fiber, protein, iron and B vitamins, these little legumes are an excellent food choice. Because of their high fiber content, it helps to stabilize blood sugar and provide slow burning energy (complex carbs) to the body. They are beneficial to anyone with diabetes or high cholesterol. Add them to pasta or soups, or make a salad. They blend in with almost anything, making them very versatile.
3. Goji Berries: These little berries are pack with nutrients. They are typically found in China, India and Europe, but have made their way over to the states. They have been around for thousands of years used for their medicinal properties. Goji berries are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (The glycemic index is a number scale that is used to determine how fast your body will convert the food you eat into glucose. Even if you don't have diabetes you should still choose foods with a low GI because it will minimize your urge to consume more calories throughout the day.) They are great for boosting immunity because of their high vitamin C content, as well as contains 18 amino acids (including the 8 essential). Try mixing them in cereal, or oatmeal. You can add them to nuts for a snack, or with yogurt.
Beware: Lookout for some Goji Berry juices, as they can be loaded with added sugar.
4. Wild Salmon: Full of Omega-3 fatty acids, that not only help in heart health but also in shrinking your waist line. Omega-3 help improve insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help to decrease belly fat. Salmon is also packed with protein, and vitamin D, which a lot of people seem to be lacking.
Beware: Make sure the salmon is wild, they contain less contaminants (heavy metals and lead).
5. Quinoa or Buckwheat pasta: Swapping out traditional pasta from time to time can be beneficial to your waist. They are higher in protein, and fiber than most pastas, which will leave you feeling fuller for longer. Toss them with some sautéed vegetables, olive oil, and some feta or goat cheese.
1. Oats: I've said this before and I'll say it again, oatmeal is a great way to start your day. It's packed with fiber that helps slow digestion and keep you feeling full for longer, and avoids your blood sugar from spiking. It helps slow down digestion AND can help lower your LDL cholesterol.
2. Lentils: Low in calories, fat, and cholesterol... high in fiber, protein, iron and B vitamins, these little legumes are an excellent food choice. Because of their high fiber content, it helps to stabilize blood sugar and provide slow burning energy (complex carbs) to the body. They are beneficial to anyone with diabetes or high cholesterol. Add them to pasta or soups, or make a salad. They blend in with almost anything, making them very versatile.
3. Goji Berries: These little berries are pack with nutrients. They are typically found in China, India and Europe, but have made their way over to the states. They have been around for thousands of years used for their medicinal properties. Goji berries are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (The glycemic index is a number scale that is used to determine how fast your body will convert the food you eat into glucose. Even if you don't have diabetes you should still choose foods with a low GI because it will minimize your urge to consume more calories throughout the day.) They are great for boosting immunity because of their high vitamin C content, as well as contains 18 amino acids (including the 8 essential). Try mixing them in cereal, or oatmeal. You can add them to nuts for a snack, or with yogurt.
Beware: Lookout for some Goji Berry juices, as they can be loaded with added sugar.
4. Wild Salmon: Full of Omega-3 fatty acids, that not only help in heart health but also in shrinking your waist line. Omega-3 help improve insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help to decrease belly fat. Salmon is also packed with protein, and vitamin D, which a lot of people seem to be lacking.
Beware: Make sure the salmon is wild, they contain less contaminants (heavy metals and lead).
5. Quinoa or Buckwheat pasta: Swapping out traditional pasta from time to time can be beneficial to your waist. They are higher in protein, and fiber than most pastas, which will leave you feeling fuller for longer. Toss them with some sautéed vegetables, olive oil, and some feta or goat cheese.
6. Avocado: Yes avocado is full of fat, however it's the good fat. Don't be fooled into thinking because of their high fat content, they can't possible be good for weight loss, because they are. Avocado is high in monounsaturated fat, and research shows that diets high in monounsaturated fat are beneficial for weight control. Monounsaturated fat shows a beneficial effects on how your body uses blood sugar. They also help lower cholesterol, are great for heart health, and anti inflammatory properties, and are packed with vitamin E. Just make sure sure to watch your portions, no more than 1/2 an avocado.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Get your Digestive System Moving!
1. Lie on your back
2. Lift the right leg up, bend the knee, and interlock all ten fingers around it just below the knee.
3. Start to pull the right knee in down toward the right shoulder (making sure to keep the shoulder blades on the ground) Keep the left leg straight and the left calf muscle touching the floor.
4. Keep your elbows in close to the body, relax the shoulders, and tuck your chin in slightly.
5. Hold for a few deep breaths, then release the right leg and do the same with the left.
6. Release the left leg.
7. Gently lift both legs up at the same time bending the knees. Wrap your arms around and try to grab opposite elbows if you can, if not interlock the finers again.
8. Get a tight grip here, and make your body nice and compact. Keep the feet side by side and relax them. Take a few breaths here, and release.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Conditions Proven to Benefit from Yoga and Meditation
So you thought yoga was all about stretching your body, eh? Or maybe you thought it was to help you get a "better" or more toned body. And what about relaxation? That's what yoga is.. right? To relax. While all of these are true, there are so many other beneficial aspects to yoga. The healing power of yoga and meditation is being studied more and more today throughout India, the U.S, and Europe. Scientific evidence is growing and showing that yoga is beneficial for the following conditions:
Cardiovascular disease
Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Infertility in women
Poor Immune System
Sleep disorders
While yoga isn't a cure all miracle, it is in fact a great way to start alleviating some of our day to day aches and pains. And don't be surprised if you do find a cure to your ailments through a daily practice of yoga. Start simple, it's the best way to get your body acclimated. Remember to acknowledge your body and where you are at, this will allow you to reap the benefits of the different postures yoga offers. Don't force or go beyond any limitations your body sets. You can't force things to happen, they just do in time, let it be...relax.. and feel the benefits ... on and off the mat. Namaste :)))
Cardiovascular disease
Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Infertility in women
Poor Immune System
Sleep disorders
While yoga isn't a cure all miracle, it is in fact a great way to start alleviating some of our day to day aches and pains. And don't be surprised if you do find a cure to your ailments through a daily practice of yoga. Start simple, it's the best way to get your body acclimated. Remember to acknowledge your body and where you are at, this will allow you to reap the benefits of the different postures yoga offers. Don't force or go beyond any limitations your body sets. You can't force things to happen, they just do in time, let it be...relax.. and feel the benefits ... on and off the mat. Namaste :)))
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Fruit salad for healthier skin and a boost of energy
Saturday morning start to my day!

Add some bananas for a little energy boost! Bananas seem to get a bad rep, but they are a fantastic fruit as well! Bannaas are full of vitamins, fiber, and minerals and are great for a quick energy boost because the carbohydrates in them are easy to digest. Next time you need a pick me up instead of caffeine or a sugary drink, try a banana ..they provide energy that lasts longer and don't have the crash that caffeine does.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Beat the Bloat
It's summer time, which means it's bikini bottoms, no shirts, and overall less clothing. The last thing we want to feel is bloated. Here are some foods to dish and ditch to help you feel (and look) your best!
Asparagus: Is known for its diuretic properties which can help flush out excess water, and waste in your body as well.
Quick Fix: Lightly brush asparagus with olive oil, add pepper, and garlic to taste. Grill spears on the barbecue for 5-10 minutes until tender and browning. Remove from grill, add fresh squeezed lemon juice (added bonus of some vitamin C). Enjoy!
Oatmeal: A fantastic (and quick) breakfast! Full of fiber and great for digestion. Plus you can add cinnamon and get a double bonus. Cinnamon is also great for your stomach (gas and bloating), and digestion as well as being noted for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Check out my oatmeal recipe! You can really add anything you like to it though, honey, blueberries, strawberries, nuts, try out different things to see what you enjoy most.
Yogurt: Yogurt is full of good bacteria that ease stomach problems such as bloating. Make sure to look for yogurt that has "active cultures" on the label, and watch out for added fruit or other ingredients which can make them full of sugar. Opt for the plain yogurt and add in fresh fruit or honey.
Watery fruits: Watermelon, musk melon, papaya, plums, etc. are the best for de-bloating the belly. Plus they taste delicious and will keep you feeling satisfied when a craving hits.
Yoga: (Of course this was going to make the list) Certain postures such as Seated Spinal Twist, and Triangle are known for aiding in digestion by wringing out your system and massaging your internal organs. Get twisting ;)
And lets not forget water, water, water and more water. It might seem odd to drink more water when you feel bloated, however it helps your kidneys flush out extra salt and rid your body of water retention. Aim for 8 cups a day.
What to avoid:
Added salt: A little salt here and there doesn't hurt. However processed foods (meats, chinese food, crackers, cookies, frozen foods) eaten on the regular will cause your salt intake to sky rocket and water retention in your body. In short: a bloated belly.
Carbonated Drinks: They contain added sugar or carbs that can cause a bloated belly. Even diet ones have "fizz" that can cause gas to get trapped, leaving you feeling like your going to pop. Go easy on the soda, beer, and champagne.
Eating fast: My grandma always said chew your food 28 times. Now I think thats bit much, but there was some logic behind it. Biting off more then you can chew can cause you to swallow too much air- a major cause of bloating.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments."
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