
Friday, June 15, 2012

Myriad of Grains

Looking to lose a little weight?  These grains help promote weight loss because of their high fiber, and nutrient content.  They are a much better choice then the traditional rice or potato.  These grains provide more nutrients and vitamins than refined, processed wheat, which has lost many beneficial ingredients.

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is often called the mother grain,  because it provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it great for vegetarians, and vegans, not to mention great post work out meal. Quinoa however is not a true grain, but is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant. It is used as a grain and substituted for grains because of it's cooking characteristics. It is gluten free and is a good source of magnesium, folate, and phosphorus. Magnesium is good for people who suffer from migraines because it has been shown that increased intake of magnesium can help to reduce migraines.   Because quinoa is cholesterol free and high in fiber it makes its great option for those looking to lose weight. The fiber in quinoa can help lower triglycerides and blood cholesterol levels, which can improve your cardiovascular health and aid in weight loss. Because of it high protein and high fiber content, it also makes it very satisfying and won't leave you feeling hungry.  For vegans, people with lactose intolerance or those who are looking for non dairy sources of calcium, Quinoa is a good option.  Calcium is not only used for bones and teeth, but also for muscle function, and for nerves to carry messages to brain and other body parts. 

Bulgur is a staple grain in the middle east. Bulgur is a derivative of wheat, but undergoes minimal processing so it still retains its nutritional value.  It's naturally low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium.  Bulgur is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index, meaning it won't cause blood sugar to spike and can help stabilize insulin levels.  Eating foods with a high glycemic index can cause your blood sugar to suddenly crash, and leave you feeling very hungry and unsatisfied even though you may have just eaten. Bulgur has a high fiber content (more then rice), which provides a faster elimination of waste, and helps keep digestive tract healthy.  Insoluble fiber found in bulgur leaves you feeling satisfied and full.  It is also helpful in promoting colon health, reducing the risk of colon cancer. And that's not all- bulgur is a good source of the B vitamins and folate as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

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