
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Small simple changes make a big impact.

We are so quick to "diet" and cut things out that we love, but the reality is we end up back where we started. Sometimes even worse off, as we kick ourselves further into the ground with defeating vo
ices in our head saying "I can't do this, this sucks, I'm not good enough, oh well". I believe instead it's tiny adjustments day by day. As you begin to climb the ladder, things you thought, oh no way I'll never eat kale, or brussel sprouts, or green juices start to become a little more feasible. Its not so much taking stuff out of our diets, but adding things in. If we add in the healthy alternatives (that we actually enjoy) it's the simple act of crowding out the "bad" stuff.
If there's one good thing you do for your body today and everyday- drink more water. As cliche and repetitive it might sound, most of us do not drink nearly enough. Did you know that maintaining hydration can prevent premature aging, eliminate pain and headaches, lessen hypertension, and promote weight loss? If you don't like the taste of water add your favorite fruits to it. One slice of lemon in water goes a long way...
Boosts the Immune system
High in vitamin C
Breaks down fatty deposits
Clears the skin
Aids in eliminating waste
Relieves bloating
Acts as a liver tonic and helps liver to produce bile

Drink up baby!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Still not sure about asparagus... a few reasons to try it plus a delicious, quick and easy recipe!

1. Packed with antioxidants- ranking among the top fruits and veggies to fight off free radicles
2. Natural diuretic- detoxes and cleanses t
he body, helping to release not only excess fluid in the body but excess salts (esp helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure, or other heart related diseases).... your bladder and kidneys will thank you for this
3. Good source of fiber, folate, Vit A and C
4 Anti- aging properties
5. Can help balance insulin levels- great for preventing diabetes
5. Asparagus is also a powerful aphrodisiac and one of the best foods to increase libido ;)
6 Highly alkaline food- the human body maintains a delicate pH- consuming large amount of acidic foods foods can cause the body to become overly acidic, resulting in a number of health complications. To maintain a healthy balance it's important to consume alkaline rich foods.
7 Helps prevent bladder and UTI's- so if your prone to them, it's not too late to add asparagus into your diet!

Grilled asparagus

1 pound of fresh asparagus spears- white ends trimmed
3 tablespoons on olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 a lemon

Preheat grill for high heat.
Lightly coat the asparagus spears with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Grill about 8 minutes making sure to turn the spears allowing them to brown on all sides.
Grill over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or to desired tenderness.
Squeeze lemon over them

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The DREADED Trans Fat.. what consumers are being blindfolded to...

Trans Fats have a bad rap, and most Americans have been told to stay far away, avoiding them like a plague. So if they are as harmful as researchers say they are, then WHY on earth is it still in products? And even worse, why is it HIDDEN. Yes, hidden. If you think your being told the truth with the "0 grans of trans fat" label... think again.

The FDA allows food labels with anything with less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving to say "0 grams of trans fat" hint hint... PER SERVING. So in fact the serving of those 3 chocolate chip cookies, or ritz crackers you eat may have "0" grams of trans fat, but anything over that, and well you can bet you're eating more then 0 grams. And you think, well what is the big deal a little bit won't kill me. Maybe a little isn't going to kill you, however you can bet a little here and there can quickly add up. Do that for oh lets say 30 years and well folks lets just say you might have a few minor problems start emerging.

How do you know whether food contains trans fat? Look for the words "partially hydrogenated" oil. That's another term for trans fat. By hydrogenating a natural oil it removes the natural fatty acids (omega 3), by removing these, it helps to extend the shelf life. Natural fatty acids go rancid much faster then hydrogenated chemically altered oils. Longer shelf life= higher profit. Trans fats can interact with normal fat metabolism, they can disturb function and in other words be referred to as a poison. Trans fat can lower your HDL (good cholesterol) and raise your LDL (bad cholesterol), wrecking havoc on your body, crating a deadly combination. 

So people wonder and say, I eat low fat this and that, and stay away from red meats only eating them occasionally.. why is my cholesterol not better? Look in your cabinets and if it's filled with boxes of commercially packaged goods theres a inkling as to why your blood work #'s aren't what you would like them to be. 
Commercial food companies are more concerned with the shelf life of their products, not with your shelf life...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

There's a drug for that....

We spend about 3 trillion dollars on medical expense here in America...therefore the rest of the world should envy our health over here, right? (Fill in a game show Buzzer sound when you get an answer wrong here). Why is it that for a country that spends so much money on health care, we have so many health issues. The more problems we have, the more pills there are. You name it, there's a pill for it. Broken heart? They have a pill for that... no not really, but who knows maybe one day. We want it to happen quick, and now, without having to do much work, and that's why the drug market here in America is sky rocketing. I wonder what would happen if some of that money went to supporting ways to prevent illness's rather than just fixing them. Educating the people on healthy eating and a healthy life style seems like beating a dead horse, but in reality how far have we gone to promoting a healthier lifestyle. I don't mean a few commercials here and there on T.V, there needs to be more. There are so many clashing ideas out there today; milk is good for you, milk causes cancer, egg yolks are ok to eat, no they contribute to high cholesterol, this diet and that diet. It's no wonder people are confused to say the least! So the answer of course is, quick fix- I have the perfect medicine for you. (Oh and the side effects are only explosive diarrhea, blindness, and death) Now I know I'm being over the top here, but how many times do you read the side effects and question whether it's worth even taking it in the first place. My intention is not to bash the medical system, there have been drastic improvements in peoples health due to the advances we have had. However, I believe that we are taking it too far. The answers lie more then in just the capsule form. Obesity, diabetes, CHD, high blood pressure, how many American on are medications for these? Sure some people can't survive without them and they have been life saving. BUT what if we worked on preventing these ailments all together? It's not a radical idea. Its the hope of the future. It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other- it's a delicate balance between the two. Not one thing works for everyone, but what I can tell you is that what we have going on here in America doesn't seem to adequately be doing the job. In 1980 50% of American were overweight, now its 65% and what about 10 years from now? It's so sad and breaks my heart to see children overweight with illnesses that were once only seen in adults. I hope that one day I can really help make a difference in peoples lives through a natural holistic healing lifestyle. It's not a cure all by any means, but it's an idea to adopt (one that has many proven benefits). I am so passionate and believe so much in this; we have been given the tools and knowledge we need to live a healthy life, it's just up to us to see it and utilize it. Not all the answers are behind the pharmacy counter.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heart Openers- Keep the love flowing

Monday, September 3, 2012

Home grown organic tomatoes and fresh mozzarella

Mmm way to eat your fruits and veggies (you know exactly what your putting in your body)

Healthy Radiant Skin

Did you know the most nourishing and versatile skin care products can be found right in your own kitchen. If you haven't tried it yet, you might want to adopt the idea from the ancient holistic system of Ayurveda. Sesa
me oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine dating back to about 5,000 years ago. Your skin is your largest organ, and so it's no wonder the beauty industry makes well over 50 billion a year. Our skin absorbs whatever is put on it, and eventually ends up in our bloodstream. It's been shown that significant amounts of cosmetic ingredients, including carcinogenic substances, penetrate the skin and end up in our blood stream. You can't avoid everything and I'm not saying get rid of all your skin care products, but incorporating sesame oil into your routine has quite the number of benefits.

~Can attract and trap toxins that are soluble in oil. This detoxification of the skin can be done by applying warm oil to the skin, leave it on for around 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

~Can be used on the face, it cleanses the skin gently by dissolving oils, it can help eliminate blackheads by pulling toxins from the skin.

~Helps joints keep their flexibility. Can be used on stiff joints.

~Hydrates, nourishes, and moisturizes the skin.

~It has tranquilizing and soothing properties, is beneficial for people suffering from insomnia.

~Contains antioxidants that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps you maintain youthful skin.

~Helps aid in the treatment of skin related disorders like psoriasis and eczema.

~Can be used on the scalp if you have dandruff or dry skin

~Used to soothe skin and reduce inflammation that can occur from the sun damage.

~Antibacterial and anti fungal properties

~Provides a natural radiant glow to the skin

It can't hurt to give this wonderful oil a shot. If you choose to try it out, make sure to go with an unrefined cold pressed sesame oil.