
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

There's a drug for that....

We spend about 3 trillion dollars on medical expense here in America...therefore the rest of the world should envy our health over here, right? (Fill in a game show Buzzer sound when you get an answer wrong here). Why is it that for a country that spends so much money on health care, we have so many health issues. The more problems we have, the more pills there are. You name it, there's a pill for it. Broken heart? They have a pill for that... no not really, but who knows maybe one day. We want it to happen quick, and now, without having to do much work, and that's why the drug market here in America is sky rocketing. I wonder what would happen if some of that money went to supporting ways to prevent illness's rather than just fixing them. Educating the people on healthy eating and a healthy life style seems like beating a dead horse, but in reality how far have we gone to promoting a healthier lifestyle. I don't mean a few commercials here and there on T.V, there needs to be more. There are so many clashing ideas out there today; milk is good for you, milk causes cancer, egg yolks are ok to eat, no they contribute to high cholesterol, this diet and that diet. It's no wonder people are confused to say the least! So the answer of course is, quick fix- I have the perfect medicine for you. (Oh and the side effects are only explosive diarrhea, blindness, and death) Now I know I'm being over the top here, but how many times do you read the side effects and question whether it's worth even taking it in the first place. My intention is not to bash the medical system, there have been drastic improvements in peoples health due to the advances we have had. However, I believe that we are taking it too far. The answers lie more then in just the capsule form. Obesity, diabetes, CHD, high blood pressure, how many American on are medications for these? Sure some people can't survive without them and they have been life saving. BUT what if we worked on preventing these ailments all together? It's not a radical idea. Its the hope of the future. It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other- it's a delicate balance between the two. Not one thing works for everyone, but what I can tell you is that what we have going on here in America doesn't seem to adequately be doing the job. In 1980 50% of American were overweight, now its 65% and what about 10 years from now? It's so sad and breaks my heart to see children overweight with illnesses that were once only seen in adults. I hope that one day I can really help make a difference in peoples lives through a natural holistic healing lifestyle. It's not a cure all by any means, but it's an idea to adopt (one that has many proven benefits). I am so passionate and believe so much in this; we have been given the tools and knowledge we need to live a healthy life, it's just up to us to see it and utilize it. Not all the answers are behind the pharmacy counter.

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