
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"Whenever you see the words suger free or fat free.... think of replacing it with chemical shit storm"

Your better off eating the sugar and fat, just choosing the right fat. Fat is what leaves us feeling satisfied and full, with out it...
well it'll be binge for whatever we can get our hands on. Stay away from 100 calorie packs and boxed snacks that offer "fat free" and "sugar free" they are loaded with additives and artificial flavoring to make up for it. In the end... you will crave more of it and end up gaining the weight you set out to lose. The body can't process all this junk even if its labeled as "healthy", hmmm such as fiber one bars. The amount of fiber you get in one bar is not worth all the other processed "stuff" that comes along with it. Read the ingredient list and tell me what about it sounds healthy and what maybe your body can do with out. Think fruits and veggies and add flavor to them so you enjoy them more. Plenty of options!! Your body will thank you, and your relationship with the scale will change !!

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